4-days staff Learning, Training, and Teaching event "Value creation in vocational education and training" organized in Naples
empower VET programs?
Ambition of QUALITAS
QUALITAS has the ambition to contribute
to the improvement of the national
VET systems in the project countries
Estonia, Portugal, Austria, Spain and Italy,
by introducing, innovately in
VET education and training, the business concept of value preposition
in the selected social, economic and environmental areas.
Objective of QUALITAS
“Waste is any human activity which absorbs resources but creates no value”
J.P. Womak & D.T. Jones, Lean Thinking
Core objective of QUALITAS is to support VET with using the business approach o for the value creation yo promote values in VET teaching and training, thus creating a new relation with work-world on the exchange of methods.
Core results of QUALITAS

– E-course for VET teachers to
innovately support value creation
in the social, economic and
environmental areas
– Staff training event for experts
– Learning modules for VET students
– Consultation of VET teachers and experts
– Pilots to validate the produced outputs
– e-Guide to value creation for VET teachers
The QUALITAS learning modules for VET students
The QUALITAS team has designed and is now developing 5 learning modules for VET students on value creation to personal...
The QUALITAS e-course for VET teachers
The QUALITAS e-course for VET teachers is freely accessible online by any device in English, Estonian, Portuguese, German, Spanish and...
The findings of the consultation of national VET experts
157 VET experts have been consulted in the project countries to provide relevant inputs to the QUALITAS team
QUALITAS Newsletter Issue 1, 11/2024
In this issue: The concept of the QUALITAS project; The QUALITAS resources for VET; The QUALITAS working schedule; The consultation...
The QUALITAS resources for VET
The QUALITAS project creates open access VET training resources of different kinds in all project languages