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Kuressaare Ametikool (KRTC) is a regional training centre of vocational education with 147 staff members (incl 86 teachers).KRTC provides initial and additional vocational (EQF Level 3-5) training and also retraining in 15 different vocational areas, the biggest among these are Tourism, catering and design. There are ca 800 regular students on upper and post-secondary level, but also ca 1000 adult students during a year on different adult training courses. We provide also courses for people with special needs. KRTC has a remarkable experience with cooperation with local enterprises and labour market office. One of KRTC’s tasks is to train the tutors in enterprises and assess and accredit companies before students’ work-placement arrangements. KRTC is implementing quality management principles and has taken part in Quality Award competitions for VET institutions in Estonia. Since 2011 KRTC has been involved in quality assurance program of Estonian VET institutions, all our curriculum groups (vocational areas) are accredited. KRTC is a member of European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools (http://www.aeht.lu/).


Junior Achievementi Eesti (JA Estonia) is a non-profit non-governmental organisation which started its operations in Estonia in 1992, in its current legal form in 1994. JA Estonia is the biggest and most well-known provider of entrepreneurship education, financial literacy, and work readiness programs in 220 schools in Estonia including 10 VET schools, having a well-developed network of academic and vocational schools all over Estonia, as in cities as in small rural places. JA Estonia develops learning programs and study materials, train the teachers to teach the programs in schools and organise study and motivational events both to teachers and students to support their interest in using these programs, annually 14000 students in 220 schools in different age levels.


EPRALIMA – Escola Profissional do Alto Lima was created as a Public Interest and Limited Liability Cooperative and it is owned by the Municipality of Arcos de Valdevez, the Municipality of Ponte da Barca and the ACIAB – Commercial and Industrial Association of Arcos de Valdevez and Ponte da Barca. EPRALIMA  is a non-profit educational co-operative of a private nature that aims to add value to the training of young people and adults by providing appropriate vocational education and training. In carrying out its activity, EPRALIMA is dependent to the scientific, pedagogical, and functional supervision of the Ministry of Education and financed by public funds, and based on a cross-municipality development project that pursues the following objectives to train intermediate staff needed for local development; to contribute to reducing drop-out rates and school failure; thus also contribute to a society centered on the person and human dignity as fundamental values and to revitalize the social environment based in the equal opportunities values.


Brainplus GmbH is an Austrian company which is actively working in several educational fields like vocational education and training, adult and youth education. The focus of the trainings are rather broad and are mostly tailormade to the needs of the target group. The main target groups of brainplus are NGO´s in different social fields, youth workers and trainings for disabled people. By combining all services, competences and skills, brainplus has become a key player in the local and regional training scene in Styria/Austria and has many contacts to regional, national and European stakeholders in education and training and business development. Brainplus is also a member of three international EU-wide training networks (EURORESO,ENSIM and ENTER).


The Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Shipping of Seville (CCSEV) is a non-profit Public Corporation established by Law as an advisor body to collaborate with Public Authorities, to which it represents the general interest of its member companies (actually amounting to about 110000 businesses). CCSEV promotes business development, entrepreneurship, internationalization and innovation through several services and activities. CCSEV works in close cooperation with the Regional Government of Andalusia on employment services and it has a wide training programme with different courses addressed to entrepreneurs, professionals, employees and unemployed. Moreover, the Chamber of Commerce of Seville manages its own Business School, a VET Center and a University Center located in Seville and with more than 1,300 students, to whom, apart from the specific training in their different curricula, their training used to be oriented to the business world and the market.


The University of Naples Federico II was the first publicly funded university in Europe, established in 1224 through an Imperial Charter of Frederick II Hohenstaufen, King of Sicily and Holy Roman Emperor. Nowadays the University offers courses in essentially all academic disciplines,leading to one hundred fifty five graduate level degrees. Research facilities provide support to all these courses. Students are given the opportunity to pursue intellectual development as well as the acquisition of professional skills. Current student enrollment nears 90,000 and the academic personnel, at this time, are 3,121.
The Department of Political Science is one of the new 26 Departments of the University of Naples Federico II. Didactics and research are inspired by a multidisciplinary approach suitable to attain a broader understanding of social questions in order to meet the contemporary challenges. The actual courses of the Department of Political Science are functional to the achievement of expertise fully matching the evolution of the socio-economic system and the labor market, enhancing qualified employment opportunities.


JANUS s.r.l. is an Italian privately owned company that creates and develops innovative software applications for public and private entities, to cultural, training and education as well as business scopes. JANUS ensures the compatibility of its outputs with any kind of network (Internet, intranet and/or extranet). The services provided by the company include also graphic design and digital/multimedia production. All JANUS services are supported with assistance, technical manuals and training. Among the successful productions of JANUS, there are “AmaMusei” and “Amacittà”, consisting in integrated platform and apps based on the BAC – Beacon Access Control. Both products are being broadly used by a large number of Museums and Municipalities in Italy.
